A Few Choices You Have In Replacement Windows

11 April 2023
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

If you're remodeling your home and you've decided to get replacement windows, you might be surprised at all of your options. If your current windows are decades old, you may find new windows to have better construction and design. Here's a look at some choices for replacement windows

Custom Replacement Windows Fit Perfectly

Custom replacement windows are a popular option because each window is made to fit the opening in the wall perfectly. This reduces the risk of leaking and improves the energy efficiency of your home.

A representative from the window store comes to your home and measures all of your windows so custom windows can be made for a snug fit. You'll even get to choose the type of frame, window style, and glass so you get the windows you like best and that are best for your renovation budget.

Stock Replacement Windows Are Less Expensive

If you need to save money on your project, talk to the window company about using stock windows. These windows are mass-produced in standard window sizes. Since they're already made, you eliminate the time it takes custom windows to be built. Plus, you'll save money.

However, if you have windows of an odd shape or size, stock windows won't work. Even if your windows are a standard size, the opening may have shifted over the years. That could mean stock windows won't have a snug fit and be as efficient as you want. The window company can help you decide if stock windows are a good choice or if you should buy custom replacement windows.

Glass Options Affect Energy Efficiency

You can buy replacement windows with one, two, or three panes of glass. The glass is usually tinted as well to help with climate control. The tint and number of panes play a role in the energy efficiency of the windows. The most energy-efficient cost the most, so you'll also need to consider price when choosing glass for your windows.

New Windows Give Your Home A Modern Look

Double-hung windows are a popular choice for new homes and renovations. These windows allow you to drop the top part or raise the bottom part of the window. These are nice for letting the breeze in without worrying about kids or pets falling through the screen.

Single-hung windows are also a good choice. Both single and double-hung windows can tilt inward for ease of cleaning, which is convenient. If you live in an older home with old single-pane windows, new windows could give your home a fresh look. You can even exchange old jalousie windows for double-hung windows for a more modern look.
