Designing A Green Custom Home

6 January 2023
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Building a new custom home can be an exciting opportunity for you to provide your family with a comfortable place to live. During the design process, there are numerous green building options that you can choose to utilize with your new home.

Rainwater Collection Systems 

Rainwater collection systems can be an option for providing your house with a renewable source of water. This water can be excellent for use in irrigation systems and other landscaping uses. Individuals may assume that a rainwater collection system will be a large eyesore for their property. However, it is possible for these systems to be designed to be a discrete addition to the property. One example of this could be the use of a storage tank that is buried. This will leave only the collection funnel visible, which can greatly reduce the aesthetic impacts of the rainwater collection system.

The Use Of Recycled Materials

Individuals may not realize that it is often possible to utilize recycled materials when they are designing their new homes. The use of these materials can lessen the environmental footprint of the new house while still providing quality materials. In some cases, recycled and reclaimed materials can even be used to improve the aesthetics. An example of this could be strategically utilizing reclaimed wood to provide some of the interior or exterior areas of the home with a more rustic look.

Increasing Natural Light Options

Increasing the amount of natural light that is in the home can help to reduce the energy that the property will have to use for illuminating the interior. Additionally, this can be a source of warmth during the winter months. In addition to adding plenty of traditional windows, the installation of skylights can be another option that will increase the amount of natural light that is entering the house. The exact positioning of these skylights may depend on the angle of the house relative to the path the sun will take over the sky. However, an experienced custom home design service will be able to help you factor this into the design.

For those that are worried about being able to block some of the light from the skylights, many modern systems will have automated curtains that can be closed with the use of a remote or from a control panel. These features can provide you with the maximum amount of control over the light that is entering your home's interior.

For more info, contact custom home builders.
