3 Reasons You May Need To Supplement A Roofing Insurance Claim

25 April 2022
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Roof damage can be costly to repair. Many property owners rely on their insurance policies to help foot the bill for major repairs.

Experienced contractors know that there are times when an insurance claim must be supplemented in order to maximize the financial value for the property owner.

Read on to learn more about the reasons why a roofing insurance claim may be supplemented so that you will be able to navigate the supplementing process with your contractor in the future.

1. Insurance Adjuster Oversight

Once you have filed a roofing claim with your insurance company, an adjuster will be sent to your property to inspect the damage. This inspection plays a critical role since the insurance company makes a decision regarding the amount of money your claim should be worth.

It is possible for an insurance adjuster to overlook some forms of damage during the initial inspection. Supplementing the claim after it has been filed allows you to argue that you should be able to add the overlooked damage onto your roofing estimates.

2. Fluctuating Commodity Prices

Your insurance company will probably require you to get a few quotes from reputable contractors before they determine how much money they are willing to pay for your roofing claim.

Estimates are drawn up based on the market conditions at the time the estimate is provided. Unfortunately, the cost of materials included in an estimate can vary if commodity prices go up.

Roofing supplements allow you to increase the value of the estimate provided to your insurance company if delays in processing have caused you to miss out on lower-priced roofing materials.

3. Additional Damage is Found

It can be challenging to see all of the damage that a roof has sustained when you are filing your insurance claim. Only after work begins and the shingles are removed will a contractor be able to visually inspect the underlayment and roof decking for signs of damage.

If additional damage is uncovered during the course of routine repairs, roofing supplements can be used to alter your initial claim.

Supplements allow your contractor to incorporate the cost of repairing any new damage into your original claim in order to maximize the number of benefits that you receive from your insurance company.

Handling roofing insurance claims can be tricky, especially when supplements are involved. Be sure that you partner with a roofing contractor who has experience handling roofing supplements to minimize your out-of-pocket costs when repairing your roof in the future.
