Is Your Attic Insulation In Bad Shape? 3 Ways You Know Insulation Contractors Should Upgrade It

28 January 2021
 Categories: Construction & Contractors, Blog

Homeowners often inspect their doors and windows for signs of damage when they start experiencing heat loss from the house. However, sometimes the problem has nothing to do with the openings; it has everything to do with the attic. When the attic is in bad shape, your heating bill can go up drastically, and you will also deal with complex roofing issues. But before it gets to this, it is advisable to call an insulation contractor for assessment and repair as soon as you notice certain signs of attic insulation problems.

These three signs can help you determine whether the insulation problem inside your home is emanating from the attic.

Are There Pests in Your Attic?

The presence of pests inside the attic shows that you have opening routes into your house. You will notice a constant rustling when there are rodents such as rats and raccoons in your attic. If you inspect the space well, you might also see animal droppings on the floor. If you allow the pests to stay, they will worsen the damage to the attic's insulation, and your heating problems will only get bigger. To prevent aggravated insulation problems or damage, call in attic insulation contractors to help you seal the leaks in the insulation and prevent the vermin from coming back.

Does the Inside of the Attic Have a Musty Smell?

Water and moisture usually support mold growth in a big way. Mold can develop in your attic whether you have blown-in insulation or fiberglass batts. A small leakage in the system will start bringing water from the roof onto the attic insulation. If you don't fix the leaks in good time, you will start smelling a foul, musty odor in your attic. 

Mold damage in the attic is hard to manage, which is why you should seek the help of an insulation contractor. The contractor will first remove the present mold and mildew so they can properly seal the attic. Once the professional seals your attic, the mold problem will disappear completely.

Does the Insulation Look Uneven?

It is time to replace your attic when the blown-in insulation loses its evenness. Check the attic condition if you notice your house can no longer maintain the temperature that you have set on the thermostat. You might get a few areas without coverage, where the heat could be escaping through. If you notice the attic insulation is uneven, call in the insulation contractor to come and redistribute the insulation material, or perhaps add some materials to the thin areas.

These are simple and effective ways to tell when you need an attic insulation contractor. With their help, you can reduce heat loss and restore the comfort your home had before. Contact an insulation company for more information. 
