Commercial Parking Lot Care And Maintenance
The parking lot can be one of the largest surfaces on your commercial property. It can also be an area that is important to maintain to make the property accessible and to reduce liability problems.
Not Addressing Alligator Cracking When it Starts To Develop On The Parking Lot Surface
Aging parking lots can be prone to developing alligator cracking. These are webbed cracks that form on the surface. As soon as these problems develop, they should be patched as promptly as possible. If the alligator cracks grow to be too large, patching may no longer be an option. Rather, your business may have to invest in resurfacing the parking lot or even having it fully replaced. Regular application of a sealcoat can minimize the risk of alligator cracks forming as it will kep moisture from seeping into it and degrading the surface integrity of the pavement.
Failing To Maintain Gutters Around The Perimeter Of The Parking Lot
The parking lot will generate large amounts of runoff, Unfortunately, this can contribute to major erosion forming along the edges of the parking lot. Over time, this erosion may wash away the soil that is supporting the weight of the pavement. Installing gutters along the entire perimeter of the parking lot will provide a safe path for the runoff to take. However, these gutters will need to be maintained to be effective. At a minimum, these gutters should be thoroughly cleaned so that leaves and other debris will not block the flow of stormwater through them. Additionally, any cracks that form in the pavement lining of the gutters should be repaired so that the water is not able to seep through the crack and erode the soil.
Allowing Line Striping To Become Faded Enough To Be Hard To See
Line striping is an important feature for your parking lot. Without these lines, you may find that far fewer cars are able to park in the lot. Additionally, there may be a higher risk of accidents occurring as individuals may not be sure as to the flow of traffic. Over time, the striping that you have in your parking lot will degrade to the point where it may be hard to see. This can substantially reduce the safety of those in your parking lot, but it can be corrected by having these lines repainted. Generally, a professional should be able to do this work in a few hours, which can make it a project that is suitable for the days when your business is normally closed.
Reach out to a company like A1 Asphalt Paving, Inc. to learn more.